This is a pretreck hike

This is a pretreck hike it had rained so hard the night before. We were told that we only had to cross one little stream, then it turned out two and then the trail was a river, so the only way back was throught the river.

I was doing good. The first two rivers I got carried over, but when we got to the "River" I got bumbed and started saying "I don't care any more" and plunged into the water.

All the people that are wearing orange scarfs are my treck family. Anton Steele, Palmer Turley, Sam Brickey, Chaz Green, ME. All boys and one girl. I have a amazing aunt, her name is Sister Lichfield and she always at all the activities. I have an uncle his name is Jake. And well.... my parents are Ma and Pa Bonnets but they have to go out of town a lot.

Isn't this a good picture? My WARD is so cool and fun.