I have never seen my daddy give my dog effection. But to see him try to teach Granite, made me almost cry. I'm so greatful for a daddy that cares for everything.

I know it looks like I'm painting a horses nails, but really what I'm doing is putting medicine on her hoofs so that they will be stronger. But don't you think green goes with her coat?

Angela giving a funny face. Infact that is all she does. Angela loves to make people laugh. She gets me every time.

Yazzi rolling after a hard ride. She was sweaty and tired. Hey I didn't know I owned a brown horse.

Brittney cantering on Tonduse.
1 comment:
hey girl havent heard from u in awhile give me a call or write me oh guess wht im coming out on monday yah ill see u at mutal i guess love u and miss u tell everyone see them on mon
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