This is my trek family putting together our cart. We are at our last pre-trek hike. (we had 3)

Me pusing Jenisen on the Steele's swing.

This is an awesome picture. (Britt took it) That is the Gallatin Youth!! We so awesome!

This part of the hike was called "The Walk of Faith" the youth got blindfolded and the "parents" and "aunts and uncles" had to whisper in our ears so we didn't trip or run into a tree.
hey sharlee did you know that it is supposed to snow 2-3" tonight! isn't that so crazy? well love you and see you wednesday!
hey sharlee i just wanted you to know that we aren't going to AZ and we are going to stay here b/c the boys all of the sudden don't want to go an hour before we go. isn't that crazy i was so angry at them but i guess the good think staying here is going to your Christmas Party! i love you and will see you soon!
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